Why and what we do

Helping physicians develop a love for life-long growth of mental fitness is at the foundation of our methodology. Many platforms exist for building mental fitness but none as practical or powerful as the Positive Intelligence operating system. The Positive Intelligence Framework is a simple yet effective operational system backed by the compilation of data from scientific studies in cognitive behavioral therapy, positive psychology, performance science, and neuroscience, plus the results from independent research on more than 50,000 participants from over 50 countries. This framework goes to the root of mental fitness, which entails the strengthening and building of neural pathways through directed and consistent practice. It provides mind “workouts” that are easy to integrate into daily routines, making it ideal for healthcare professionals to fit into their busy schedules, and it builds on itself allowing for a lifetime of continued growth.

How we do it

We introduce our clients to the Positive Intelligence Framework at the beginning of our coaching relationship. We then provide them with a platform to learn and practice the framework, and teach them how to use and apply it to their unique challenges in healthcare. We provide regular support and encouragement to facilitate their learning and new habit formation.

During the program coaching sessions clients are taken through an exploration of topics customized to move forward the established coaching goals through the practical applications of the skills they are learning and building. We utilize Co-Active coaching techniques to partner with the clients in creating a collaborative and trusting environment.

Goals and Results

Our “Intentionally Conscious Doctoring” program is geared for the individual in a one-to-one setting or in a small group. As physicians who participate in this program grow their mental fitness, they can be more mentally and emotionally available for whoever or whatever is before them at any moment. This empowers them to have more impactful interactions with their patients, to improve relationships with colleagues and staff, and to navigate conflicts, all with greater ease and less stress. This means that they can work more efficiently and effectively leaving them with more energy to focus on what is truly most important in their lives.

Our “Intentionally Conscious Healthcare” program is geared for healthcare teams. In this setting we focus on having teams develop the 4 pillars of high performing teams as they build their collective mental fitness. This process is bidirectional as the establishment of the 4 pillars also forges a pathway for mental fitness growth. We concomitantly work on the settled S.M.A.R.T goals and perform regular check-ins using the PDCA cycle to ascertain we are staying on track and make any necessary adjustments.

As mental fitness levels rise within teams there is better listening and communication, healthier conflict management, clearer identification of barriers to working efficiently, better identification of limiting underlying beliefs, and more clarity and creativity in the approach to healthcare delivery. Improvements in these areas can positively impact patient experience, healthcare cost, and the advancement of health equity and community health outreach.

Our goal is to create an organizational culture that places the well-being of it’s patients, communities, and healthcare teams at the forefront and that empowers it’s physicians to attain the highest level of clinician experience.